Understanding PCR and Rapid Tests to Avoid Mistakes

Understanding PCR and Rapid Tests to Avoid Mistakes

The Corona virus pandemic makes the term PCR test and Rapid Test a common thing for the ear to hear. Actually, whats the difference between PCR and Rapid Test?

Rapid Tests are analyzed based on the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies produced by the body to fight viruses. The antibodies will form as a form of body response after a person is exposed to a virus. The process of forming antibodies takes several days to several weeks. People who undergo rapid tests will be considered positive if found viral antibodies in the body, but it do not specify the type of antibodies formed by certain viruses. This needs to be understood because there are still many who think that by doing a Rapid Test, a person can find out whether he is positive for COVID-19 or not.The Rapid Test examination procedure is simple and can be done in a short amount of time. Health workers will take blood samples from the fingertips, then drop into a rapid test tool. Then, the blood sample also drops liquid to detect antibodies. Rapid test results can come out within 10-15 minutes.

If the results of the Rapid Test are positive, the body of the person being examined contains viral antibodies. However, these antibodies are not absolutely from the corona virus that causes COVID-19.
It could be the antibodies produced by the person’s body are to fight other viral infections. Because of this, people who are tested positive for a rapid test must undergo further tests such as PCR test to determine whether there is a Corona virus in their bodies.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR is a laboratory examination to detect the presence of genetic material from cells, bacteria or viruses. At present, PCR is also used to diagnose COVID-19 disease, namely by detecting genetic material of the Corona virus.

The genetic material in each cell, including bacteria or viruses, can be DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid). Both types of genetic material are distinguished from the number of chains in them. The examination procedure begins with sampling of sputum, phlegm, or fluid from the nasopharynx (the part between the nose and throat), oropharynx (the part between the mouth and throat), or the lungs of patients suspected of being infected with the Corona virus.
Sputum sampling is done by the swab method, the procedure takes about 15 seconds and does not cause pain. Furthermore, sputum samples will be examined in the laboratory.

Because the Corona virus that causes COVID-19 is an RNA virus, detection of this virus by PCR testing will begin with the process of converting (changing) RNA found in the sample into DNA. This is what makes the PCR test take longer.
In addition to the long time, PCR testing also costs a lot because the supporting materials for the test are expensive, the tools for implementing the test are also not something that is commonly found, coupled with human resources that require certification, as well as high work risks. Therefore, in some places having PCR test services, there are those who set the price of a PCR test once in the amount of 400,000 to millions of rupiah.

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