3 Types of Ozone Therapy and Their Unexpected Benefits

3 Types of Ozone Therapy and Their Unexpected Benefits

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When we hear the words ozone therapy, what comes to our mind is a compound that is part of the earth’s protective layer that is going to be used as therapy. However, did you know that this ozone compound can be an intermediary that would help you live a healthier life? The presence of ozone in nature can be felt as fresh air which usually appears after rain or in mountainous areas that have not been contaminated by pollution.

Also read: Ozone Therapy, Your Holy Grail Of Health

Ozone Therapy Types

Ozone therapy is an alternative medicine that uses a tri-atomic compound of oxygen or ozone with the aim of increasing oxygen levels in the body. This therapy has been used for more than a century and its use has proven to be relatively safe, with consistent results and minimal side effects. There are many methods for performing ozone therapy. Generally, ozone gas is introduced into the body directly, namely through:

  • Intramuscular (injection into the muscle)
  • Intravenous (injection into a vein)
  • Directly to body tissues that need ozone.

Ozone Therapy in Autohaemotherapy

The types of ozone therapy can vary depending on the way of application. The best known is the Autohaemotherapy (AHT) method, which is a method in which the patient’s blood is drawn in a certain amount, generally 100-150 ml, then mixed with ozone gas in a sterile manner. Sodium citrate is also mixed as an anti-coagulant compound that prevents blood clots from forming. Apart from sodium citrate, heparin can also be used. The blood that has been injected with ozone gas will be reinfused into the patient’s body.

                                               llustration of Autohaemotherapy (AHT) method

            The AHT method is arguably the lightest method because it does not use high concentrations of ozone gas, but the benefits may be felt to some people.

Ozone Therapy 10 Pass Methods

            The development of the AHT method is the 10 Pass method. According to Dr. Robert Rowan, who is responsible for the proliferation of ozone therapy in the United States, together with Dr. Frank Shallenberger, this method is applied with ten injections, or ten treatments in one injection, can be given in 60-90 minutes using a special ozone machine to withdraw blood into a glass bottle, then restore it quickly by applying pressure into the bottle.

Like other ozone therapy, the 10 Pass method is used to treat infections, inflammation, auto-immune diseases, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and various neurological conditions including Parkinson’s, sclerosis, stroke, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord of various types. Because it has tremendous power, 10 passes should not be issued more than once a week.

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation

            Recently, new and more effective therapeutic approaches to ozone therapy have been established, namely extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO). This technique, tested first in vitro and then in vivo in sheep and humans (over 1200 treatments performed on 82 patients), is performed with high-efficiency equipment that allows treatment with an oxygen-ozone mixture (0.5-1 microgram / ml oxygen) within 1 hour of extracorporeal circulation to 4800 ml of blood without any technical or clinical problems occurring.

When compared with AHT, EBOO is able to reach more blood volume (totally until 5.400 ml of blood could be filtered in EBOO), whereas only 250 ml of blood can be treated with AHT. EBOO therapy generally needs to be done for 7 weeks in which 14 treatment sessions in 1 hour are carried out in order to get maximum results. The clinical experience gained so far confirms the great therapeutic potential of EBOO in patients with severe peripheral artery disease, coronary disease, cholesterol embolism, severe dyslipidemia, Madelung disease, and sudden deafness of vascular origin.

ozone therapy

Christine Kerr doing ozone therapy in Chai Natural Clinic

Broadly speaking, the selection of ozone therapy method will be based on how your health condition is and the level of compatibility between your body and ozone therapy. You need to intensively observe how your body responds when ozone therapy is applied. If you do not experience an negative overreaction, then ozone therapy can be continued. In some cases, patients will feel a drastic fresh sensation, this is normal because the level of oxygen in the blood increases significantly, making the body’s metabolic system run optimally.

Also read: Are You Suitable For Ozone Therapy

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Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai