Treating Cancer Without Making You Broke

When a cancer verdict comes, people often worry about how to get well as soon as possible. All wealth is spent, for the sake of health.
The world cancer report, released by the WHO cancer specialist agency on World Cancer Day, predicts that cancer cases will increase from an estimated 14 million annually in 2012 to 22 million per year in 2 decades. In the same period, cancer deaths are predicted to increase from 8.2 million per year to 13 million – CNN. In Indonesia, the cancer prevalence rate is 1.4% of the population, or around 347,792 people (according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health). Cancer, also called a malignant tumor, is a disease caused by abnormal growth of cells in the body. Not all tumors are cancerous, benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. In Indonesia, cervical and breast cancer are the types of cancer with the highest number of cases. In 2013, an estimated 98,692 Indonesian women were diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 61,682 Indonesian women had breast cancer.
Medical treatment currently provides 3 main therapies for cancer: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Chemotherapy uses cytotoxic anti-neoplastic drugs to kill cancer cells directly. Side effects of chemotherapy include immuno-suppression, myelo-suppression, gastro-intestinal complications, nausea, and anemia. Radiation works by damaging the cancerous tissue’s DNA, causing cell death. The side effects of radiation are narrower than chemotherapy, because radiation is only fired at specific parts of the tumor in the body.
The costs required to carry out medical treatment is not cheap. Generally, each patient requires 12 to 24 times the therapy to kill the cancer cells. For each treatment, the average cost needed is IDR 2.000.000. That means every cancer patient has to spend tens of millions in order to heal, coupled with the risk of a decrease in body condition experienced after treatment.
Realizing that medical treatment aggressively attacks cancer cells and healthy body cells, without supportive drugs, cancer patients generally have a low quality of life. For example, chemotherapy suppresses the patient’s immune system, can interfere with the digestive system, and reduce the production of red blood cells. As a result, patients can experience fatigue, indigestion, and dizziness. Not to mention, the possibility that chemotherapy will continue because of cancer cells that do not die. As a result, many cancer patients eventually die not because of the cancer cells themselves, but because their bodies are already very weak, unable to withstand the onslaught of radiation and chemotherapy.
After 25 years of using TXL in more than 10 countries in the world, TXL studies for cancer patients have produced more than 20 research results, 13 of which were published in peer-reviewed international medical journals. In 1999, TXL received certification from the American FDA. At the moment there are 2 clinical trials on TXL, 1 in the National Taiwan Hospital, another one conducted by the Jakarta Dharmais Hospital (2011) for nasopharyngeal cancer patients.
Below are comments from leading oncologists who prescribe TXL:
- The good news is TXL Phytoceutical can fight and reduce most of the side effects of medical treatment. Therefore, cancer patients can enjoy a much better quality of life than patients who only undergo medical treatment.
Obitsu Ryoichi, PhD, founder of Obtsusankei Hospital in Japan:
“I mainly use TXL to treat cancer recurrence.” - Stephen Wing (Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong):
“TXL suppresses 3 types of cancer cells: breast, liver, and colon cancer cells” - Chi-Ming Lai (National Taiwan Institute of Health):
“Cancer stem cells are immune to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. TXL can be a therapy that targets cancer stem cells.”
At Chai Natural Clinic, you have the opportunity to get the best price from TXL along with treatments that are designed to maintain the function and fitness of your body. Even the costs incurred are very affordable when compared to the price you have to pay when undergoing repeated therapy in the hospital.
As a family of survivors of cancer or cancer sufferers themselves, you don’t need to be discouraged, there is always a solution in every problem. Give us a chance to take care of your health and help you to live a better quality of life.