According to a published research article by Prof. Nicola Di Paolo’s team titled “EBOO or Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation: Biological Implications of Ozone Therapy,” ozone gas can have a number of therapeutic functions. In particular, the gas exhibits therapeutic activities in various skin diseases.
Ozone therapy is a natural therapeutic procedure, becoming increasingly important in medicine due to its effectiveness in several illnesses, improving immune functions without side effects (Bocci, 1999).
In 1974, Wolf HH used a method in which a small quantity of blood was exposed to ozone in sealed glass bottles and then re-injected back into the patient’ vein, stimulating therapeutic responses. This procedure today is known as Ozone Autohemotherapy (AHT). Now, in the modern era, ozone therapy techniques vary, one of them is EBOO.
Table of Contents
EBOO Reviews and History
Exposure of human blood to a mixture of oxygen and ozone is not toxic, providing exposure times and concentration are appropriate. In blood, ozone dissolves in plasma and decomposes in a cascade of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), including Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), Superoxide Anion (O2•¯), Hydroxyl Radical (HO•), and Hypochlorous Acid (HClO).
Since 1992, intensive collaborations between academic institutions and industry partners led to a development of an oxygen-ozone exchanger capable of resisting ozone corrosion and capable of efficient gaseous exchange with large quantities of blood in an extracorporeal circulation.
Prof. Nicola Di Paolo’s research found out that EBOO was much more effective than prostacyclin for treating skin lesions in PAD patients and also had a positive effect on patient general condition without any apparent change in arterial circulation.
EBOO Procedure : How it Works

This to most people’s eyes look like Hemodialysis procedure, in which the blood is extracted through a tube, purified, and returned to the vein.
The first gas exchange device (GED) was designed for capillary blood flow on a plane surface measuring 250 cm square in direct contact with the gas. The exchanger was sealed so that gas did not escape. The blood circulated at 40 ml/min and a mixture of oxygen and ozone (at an ozone concentration of 3-20 μg/ml of oxygen) flowed through the exchanger.
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EBOO Benefits for Health
EBOO has helped so many people in their lives by increasing tissue oxygenation. The process involves, infusing the mitochondria with oxygen, making energy metabolism rise. Due to benefits that ozone enhances blood flow, it helps to relieve pain and inflammation. Since EBOO is the advanced version of ozone therapy, the effects could be expected in better results.

To summarize things for you, EBOO might be beneficial for those who suffer :
Relieving Autoimmune diseases
According to the research from Diaz Luiz, (2015), it was demonstrated the immunostimulation effect of ozone therapy on immune humoral responses and phagocyte function in patients with IgA deficiency. They also reported that no side effects are shown. In conclusion, they stated that ozone therapy helps to improve the health and modulates the host’s immune system, increasing the oxygen metabolism and cell energy demonstrated in the better clinical shape achieved.
Helping to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease
Based on the result attained from Di Paulo’s research earlier, the clinical experience gained so far confirms the great therapeutic potential of EBOO in patients with severe peripheral arterial disease, coronary disease, cholesterol embolism, severe dyslipidemia, Madelung disease, and sudden deafness of vascular origin. To emphasize the effect of ozone therapy to CVD patients, we are looking at the result from Cespedes-Suarez, (2018). In their research, they reported that patients after the first treatment cycle improve their functional physical capacity and Left Ventricular Ejection LVEF increased to normal levels (55%). It was proved that ozone therapy in Autohemotherapy technique is an adjuvant, viable and beneficial treatment in chronic heart failure.
Easening Chronic Fatigue syndrome
On this opportunity, we would like to share a study case from Tirelli Medical Clinic in Pordenone, Italy. They have treated 100 patients,from February 2016 to December 2018. Among the 100 patients with CFS treated, 70 patients (70%) developed a significant improvement in symptomatology (>50% improvement in symptoms). No side effects to ozone therapy have been reported.
Lowering Blood Sugars : Diabetes
In Diabetes mellitus, long-term complications are almost inevitable. That complications cause morbidity and premature mortality, are characterized by microvascular and macrovascular diseases.
A more frequent concomitant of distal anesthesia is the development of neurotropic ulceration, particularly on the plantar aspect of the foot. The Diabetic Foot Syndrome (DFS) is a pathological state of feet in diabetes mellitus, which occurs against the background of impaired peripheral nerves, vessels, skin, soft tissues, bones and joints and is accompanied by destructive and purulent necrotic processes.
The ozone treatment, in patients with diabetes type 2 suffering of neuroinfectious diabetic foot, improved glycemic control and prevented oxidative stress associated to diabetes mellitus and its complications, maintaining a cellular redox balance, in agreement with the excellent results. Bocci et al., in 2014 stated that one treatment weekly performed for several years may definitively improve the diabetic patient recovery.
Reducing Herpes Virus Infection
Medical ozone has direct antiviral activity which induces long term remission and in some cases total elimination of virus from blood. Luiz Carlos, in June 2014, reported that their research aimed to evaluate the virucidal activity of ozone against herpes virus of human (Herpes Simplex Virus 1 – HSV-1) and bovine (Bovine Herpes Virus 1 – BoHV-1) origin. The virucidal activity was measured by tittering aliquots of HSV-1 and BoHV-1 exposed for 1, 2, and 3 h to ozone generated by a domestic device.
Furthermore, a significant reduction in BoHV-1 (99.62%) and HSV-1 (90.0%) titer was observed after 3 h exposure to ozone.
Reducing Hepatitis Virus
Betancourt et al., (1997) demonstrated that ozone therapy is a suitable treatment against hepatitis, improving the patient’s health and the healing time of the disease with 80 patients suffering from A, B, C hepatitis.
In addition, Gu et al.,(2010) reported that basic treatment plus medical ozone treatment in chronic serious hepatitis improved survival and protected from hepatorenal syndrome and renal damage by significantly increasing renal blood flow and by decreasing plasma renin activity, angio-tensin II and Aldesteron levels.
Relieving Lyme disease
Lyme bacteria targets the brain and nervous system (Lyme neuroborreliosis) and the heart (Lyme carditis), often leading to severe symptoms which may become chronic. Lyme disease that most of the symptoms of the illness are directly related to the neurotoxins and other toxins released by the bacteria, rather than directly related to the bacteria themselves. WIth EBOO, Lyme disease patients have a chance to flushing out the toxins from their body, because EBOO’s procedure involves a filtering blood process, giving a fresh-clean blood to get intact with the ozone.
Improves Strength and Vitality
Ozone therapy is the application of medical ozone in the body to achieve a therapeutic effect. When ozone enters the body, it will help to supply your oxygen needs. Greater vitality, higher energy level to face the day to day, feeling of re-energized, and stronger immune system are all the positive effects that might be achieved with this rich-oxygen therapy.
Contact Us for EBOO Therapy Consultation
If you are in Bali and looking for nearest ozone therapy and needing further information about our EBOO services, please do not hesitate to contact us here or you could directly message us using bottom right chatbox.
This article was made based on research journals from respective researchers :
Nicola Di Paulo, et al., 2005. Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO): a controlled trial in patients with peripheral artery disease.