Surviving Diabetes With Ozone

Surviving Diabetes With Ozone

Diabetes, our initial impression is a disease caused by high levels of sugar or glucose in the blood. Sugar levels that exceed the normal are due to the inability of the pancreas to produce the  insulin according to the body’s needs. Insufficiency of insulin function can be caused by disruption or deficiency of insulin production by beta Langerhans cells of the pancreas gland, or due to lack of responsiveness of the body’s cells to insulin (WHO, 1999). If diabetes is not well controlled, various complications that can endanger the lives of patients can arise.

               Diabetes is generally classified into two types, type I diabetes and type II diabetes. Type I diabetes is diabetes that arises because of the influence of genetic factors, whereas type II diabetes is diabetes that arises because of the influence of unhealthy lifestyles. In addition to these two types, there is also gestational diabetes, but gestational diabetes can return to normal after the mother has finished conceiving her baby.

               Symptoms of diabetes are generally difficult to detect. However, there are some characteristics that must be considered as a condition for the of pre-diabetes. Referring to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, typical symptoms that are often felt by people with diabetes are polyuria (frequent urination), polydypsia (thirst level increased), and polyphagia (easily hungry). In addition, blurred vision often happened as well, miscoordination of disturbed limb movements, tingling in the hands or feet, itchy feeling (pruritus), and weight loss for no apparent reason.

  • Type I Diabetes, symptoms are polyuria, polydypsia, polyfagia, extreme fatigue and pruritus
  • Type II Diabetes symptoms are hardly known before. Type 2 sufferers are generally more susceptible to infection, slow healing from wounds, poor vision, and generally suffer from hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and also complications in blood vessels and nerves.

As written in the first paragraph, if diabetes is not treated properly, the various complications can threaten life. Things that are so frightening for diabetes patient are wounds do not heal and amputation of parts of the body that have an infection. To study the effects of ozone on wounds in diabetics, Bocci et al., (2009) conducted a study involving the use of ozone in water and oil used when treating patient’s wounds. The result concluded that diabetes’ wounds were gradually improving because ozone has a disinfecting effect and stimulates the healing process.


Bocci V, Borrelli E, Travagli V, Zanardi I. 2009. The ozone paradox: ozone is a strong oxidant as well as a medical drug. Med Res Rev. 2009;29:646–682.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai