Recovers from Medication’s Allergy after Ozone Therapy

Recovers from Medication’s Allergy after Ozone Therapy

In some people, taking drugs is not easy because their immune systems react to these drugs. We call this a drug allergy. A person can have an allergy to one type of drug, even though there was never a reaction to the same drug before.
Specific forms of drug allergic reactions that are easily recognized are itching, redness of the body or swelling of the eyes which can sometimes be accompanied by shortness of breath.
Most allergic reactions occur immediately after taking the drug, although there are also those who react after taking the drug regularly for several weeks.

This is experienced by Ms. Jeanny Sugandi (57 years) who lives in Denpasar, Bali, she has suffered from drug allergies since December 2011. Symptoms began when October 2011 visited the Netherlands, where she experienced an increase in blood sugar up to 400 mg. Almost treated in the hospital, but the doctor was given only glucose inhibitors medicine and she could go home.

Back in Indonesia, Ms. Jeanny consulted with a doctor and was given antibiotics again. Just consumed only 2 strips, suddenly appeared allergic symptoms such as itching and spots all over her body. Ms. Jeanny went back to see a number of expert doctors. Finally, Ms. Jeanny was diagnosed with a drug allergy, namely the Penicillium fungus allergy which is the basic ingredient of antibiotics. If left untreated, nerves from Ms. Jeanny could be damaged, since then Mrs. Jeanny regularly visits the Doctor.

One day she met her friend and told him about her condition, coincidentally the friend had a husband who had been treated by Mr. Chai due to suffering from Gangrene and has now recovered. Finally, Ms. Jeanny was encouraged to try treatment at Mr Chai’s address at Jl. Nusa Penida Island No. 33 Denpasar, Bali.

Jeanny visited Mr. Chai to ask for advices for her treatments, she was given ozone therapy to cleanse harmful substances from her blood and a recipe for consuming Octogenarian and Optimum Herbs continuously. It was also recommended to avoid deep fried foods.

In March 2012 a miracle came, itching and allergies began to decrease. The body that was full of spots gradually recovered. Itching fell out like changing skin, now the skin looks clean. He checked his blood sugar which turned out to have dropped to 200 mg and showed stability.

Previously, Ms. Jeanny had tried various alternative treatments including hot water baths in Tretes, Surabaya, and having taken a bath in the sea, but had no effect on her illness. At first, for bathing, she needed a special soap with moisturizer 2x times the normal level because her skin could not stand the heat, Ms. Jeanny had to go under non-stop air conditioner, that made her had to stay in Bedugul where the air was cold and cool enough.

Now since treatment at Mr. Chai, Mrs. Jeanny can resume her daily duties of working as a natural healing practitioner for Reiki, Prana and Quantum energy.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai