Ozone Therapy, Your Holy Grail of Health

Ozone Therapy, Your Holy Grail of Health


Ozone therapy is an alternative treatment that uses oxygen or ozone tri atom compounds with the aim of increasing oxygen levels in the body. This therapy has been used for more than a century and its use has been proven to be relatively safe, consistent results and minimal side effects. The presence of ozone in nature can be felt as fresh air that usually appears after rain.

Researchers believe that ozone has a therapeutic effect. Laboratory studies show that ozone can inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi with strong oxidative properties. This ozone therapy can stimulate oxygen metabolism and activate body immunity.

There are many methods for doing ozone therapy. Generally ozone gas is introduced directly into the body, through:

  • Intramuscular (injection into muscles)
  • Intravenous (injection into a vein)
  • Directly to body tissues that need ozone.

Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of Lower Back Pain

Ozone gas injections are thought to be beneficial for sufferers of lower back pain due to pinched nerves. This effect is related to the effect of ozone which has effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

A study shows that ozone therapy carried out together with physiotherapy provides significant results in overcoming the problem of nerve pain in spinal hernia patients. Other studies show oxygen injection treatment, also known as ozone infusion coupled with corticosteroid injection, also shows a de-energizing effect good pain. The intensity of pain that is successfully overcome by this therapy is almost equivalent to that of a pinched nerve patient undergoing spinal surgery.

Ozone Therapy for Treatment of Tumors and Cancer

In laboratory studies by Clavo et al., (2018), ozone levels with certain concentrations can inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells, breast cancer, and uterine tumors. The research shows that ozone therapy can increase the body’s immune effect against cancer cells in the body and reduce the negative effects of chemical drugs.

Ozone Therapy for Diabetes Wound Treatment

One complication that often occurs in diabetics is that the wound is difficult to heal because high sugar levels inhibit the wound healing process. This diabetes wound can eventually lead to infected ulcers and quickly spread, can even lead to amputation if the infected tissue is not helped. Ozone therapy accompanied by wound care and antibiotics in diabetics provides a better therapeutic effect in wound healing when compared with antibiotics alone. Wounds due to diabetes after undergoing ozone therapy will close faster (Wainstein et al., 2011). This effect is thought to be related to the ability of ozone therapy to help channel oxygen to the injured body tissues, and reduce inflammation.

Ozone Therapy for Dental Treatment

Al Alpan and Bakar (2018) offer evidence that ozone therapy has been proven effective in eradicating bacteria, viruses, and fungi found in the roots of infected teeth. Nagayoshi et al., (2004) also proved that in concentrations of 0.5–4 mg / L, water with ozone content can kill pure bacterial cultures of Porphyromonas endodontalis and Porphyromonas gingivalis effectively. Both of these bacteria are responsible for oral health disorders, namely gum infections that can result in the destruction of the jawbone if not treated immediately.

Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of SARS

Sunnen (2003) revealed that ozone with its energy-rich molecules is believed to have potential in the treatment of SARS (acute respiratory disease). In this case, ozone can be practiced as a single therapy, or realistically applied as an additional effort besides standard treatment. And it is believed that, unlike current anti-virus, ozone therapy will be more effective for all types and sub-types of viruses that cause SARS.



Aysan Lektemur Alpan and Olcay Bakar (July 4th 2018). Ozone in Dentistry, Ozone in Nature and Practice, Ján Derco and Marian Koman, IntechOpen.

Clavo B, Santana-Rodríguez N, Llontop P, Gutiérrez D, Suárez G, López L, Rovira G, Martínez-Sánchez G, González E, Jorge IJ, et al. 2018. Ozone Therapy as Adjuvant for Cancer Treatment: Is Further Research Warranted? Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018; 2018: 7931849. Epub 2018 Sep 9.

Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Kitamura C, Yano J, Terashita M, Nishihara T. Efficacy of ozone on survival and permeability of oral microorganisms.2004. Oral Microbiology and Immunology. 2004; 19 (4): 240-246. DOI: 10.1111 / j.1399-302X.2004.00146.

Sunnen, Gerard, V., M.D. 2003. SARS and Ozone Therapy: Theoretical Considerations.Accessible through the www.O-zone.cc/bookch/ch21.

Wainstein J1, Feldbrin Z, Boaz M





Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai