Ozone Therapy Testimonial from Richard Max Smith : Journey To Recovery

Our ozone therapy testimonial came from Max Smith who retired from the NSW Legislative assembly in 1986 and decided to move to SE Queensland. Moving to a three acre place with a new four bedroom house found it needed provision for treatment of grey water. Having experienced the problem in Palm Beach NSW and seen many Envirocycle units installed there, went to put one in on the new property. The builder decided he would not install it. This decision without reference to the owner added over $6,000 to the cost of the property. It was finally installed after approaches were made to Rus Hinze, the well known local MP.
This lead to formation of a branch of Envirocycle by another person, Jim Lombard, and Max assisted and became involved in the development of this industry. After years assisting in installations and servicing it was realised that chlorine as a final cleaner of pathogens was not effective and a threat to all persons servicing the plants.
This lead to investigating ozone which unfortunately was a little expensive, and hence rejected by the owners. But it did open up fields of application which would have profound benefits when properly applied. Experts from USA were brought to Australia and are still available for advice and assistance if called upon.
The out come is that Max Smith is still an advocate for Ozone Therapy and other Natural Processes that have a strong foundation on first principles and common sense.
The Legal Position of Ozone Therapy
Since the chemistry of Ozone is not taught in Australian Schools and Universities it has allowed uninformed and unprincipled individuals to label it a Dangerous Poisonous gas. Therefore it has been banned in several fields including swimming pools and Medicine.
It was extensively used in USA until the President of the AMA in 1993 banned all therapies that were not Drug Related. That was after 1931 when Dr Otto Warburg was awarded his first Nobel Prize for Medicine for finding that the true cause of Cancer was a lack of Oxygen at the cell level. This banning has never been rescinded despite the fact that Ozone Therapy is widely used throughout countries not influenced by the American FDA. In USA the FDA acts as if it is a branch of the Drug Companies.
Hence Ozone is banned in Australia but not in Indonesia.
The Bali Health Care Clinic
In a November 2011 issue of a magazine put out by an Airline “Jetstar”, there appeared an advertisement for the BHCC. It attracted my attention even though the magazine was almost a year old. The decision was made to follow up this Clinic. It was contacted by telephone and a decision made to call and see the Principal.
25th October 2013 was the first visit to the BHCC, now known as Chai Natural Clinic (read the history here). On that visit Mr Chai was given three books and four DVDs concerning Natural Therapies that would not have been on sale in Bali. The most important of these was Ed McCabe’s book “Flood Your Body With Oxygen”. This book is the most truthful history of Ozone Therapy in particularly USA but including important news of events in other parts of the world.
Ozone Therapy Testimonial : Impressions and Experiences
I was extremely impressed with the clinic, its cleanliness, fine staff and the range of equipment. They had supplied me with details of their staff training and medical qualifications. Mr Chai offered to give me a free EBOO treatment. This was very good and the bottle of 600 ml of liquid removed from my body was impressive.

My contact in Australia was a German Trained Doctor who had run a clinic in Germany and treated thirty five patients a day with autohemotherapy. I kept him informed of my letters press releases and emails as my objective was to have him authorised to use Ozone Therapy in the same way with the same results he had achieved in Germany.
In January 2014 I met with a Tony Stoddart and through him met Carson Tannberg DC ND who expressed a desire to come to Bali with me and make contact with the Clinic. As I was already booked to go, and too early for Carsen Tannberg, it was to be some months later.
Went to Bali arriving on Tuesday the 23rd January 2014. I booked in for an EBOO treatment after which Mr Chai offered me a trial on the EEHCP unit and give me a free liver detox (Liverflush).
On returning to Australia I agreed to have my legs examined by an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr David Woods at the Mater Hospital North Sydney. This he did and advised me to have both knees replaced on the one operation.
Was advised by Carsen not to have the two knees changed. Other friends said I would never put up with the rehabilitation necessary. Carsen’s wife had decided she and Carsen would go to Bali for a holiday and they could examine the Clinic as part of the trip. Airynaa had already made bookings for 8th March returning to Sydney on 18th March.
I said I would come with them and they booked an extra seat on the same flights. Since my own German doctor was against surgery for my legs and both Carsen Tannberg and Mr Chai when I arrived in the clinic agreed that I would start on a Natural Therapy course with a result that I would no longer need a walking stick. Mr Chai said I would need to allow two months of treatment.
Quantity Of Treatments
In the ten days that we were in Bali I received One EBOO, eight EEHCP and three Germanium Treatments.
As I had not planned on being away more than what had been booked I had to go back to Australia and plan to come back for thiry days. While in Australia I researched some reports on the project and put them together for later. I then arrived in Bali on 27th, March 2014 and started with one hour’s treatment of EBOO.
Over the period from 8th March to the 24th April the following treatments were given
EBOO Nine Treatments (9)
EEHCP Twenty Six Treatments (26)
Germanium Twenty Treatments (26)
The result is that the left leg is 100% and the right leg about 85%. I can walk without a stick but this fairly quickly becomes advisable as the pain resumes. A knee guard braced against sideways movement improves the leg but the unit (which was the only size they had) is too tight and over a period is restricting the blood flow.
A separate report has been prepared dealing with the operation of the Dome and Germanium making suggestions on improving the technique. This ozone therapy testimonial was written according to my real condition.
Advance Report : Results
There is no doubts in my mind that the good result on the repair of my two worn knees is due to a combination of four Therapies that were used. They were as follows: EBOO Nine Treatments; EEHCP 26 Treatments; The Dome 20 Treatments and Germanium application.
EBOO keeps the immune system in good condition and protects the body from attacks by viruses, bacteria, fungi and toxins.
EECP opens up tired blood vessels in the lower body thus improving the bodies capacity to repair itself aided by the singlet oxygen from the EBOO treatment.
The Dome is a sweat box heated to 45 degrees and this is used to bring the body up to that temperature which has a cleansing effect for the next operation and it is anti cancer. For the high temperature changes the state of Cancer cells membrane into negative ions thus destroying the Cancer cells.
Germanium. This is applied to the body and in particular to the bones regions and muscles via Acupuncture points, Joints and the Lymph gland system.
The results from 45 days which included five Religious holidays and ten days to return to Australia are quite remarkable as it was recommended that I allow two months for complete treatment.
Since the heating of the body is an important phase preparing for access for the Germanium it should be important to keep the body warm for the application and start the application on the most damaged and hence painful area. This is important as the body cools down very quickly as the Clinic has air conditioning.
After all the moves and changes I am feeling very well and keeping up exercise as an important part of the recuperation. Hopefully this ozone therapy testimonial could help those who are in consideration to get ozone therapy.
Richard Max Smith BE (Hons)
Mining &Environmental Engineer
13 McAllister’s Road
Bilambil Heights NSW 2486 Australia