Ozone Therapy for Renal Failure

Ozone Therapy for Renal Failure

ozone therapy for renal failure

Ozone therapy has been known for more than fifty years and started to apply ozone therapy for kidney failure. Several papers have confirmed the beneficial effects of oxygen or ozone therapy in the treatment of vascular disorders, osteoarthritis, bone disorders and various pain syndromes. Ozone therapy is generally given through autohemotherapy (AHT) with minor O3 levels or major O3 autohemotherapy. Proper ozone dose control is required to avoid toxic side effects.

Complications of Kidney Failure

Patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis have a high risk of developing coronary artery disease and secondary amyloidosis or secondary protein structure abnormalities.

Blockage of Blood Vessels

In the past decade, a rapid growth in the number of older patients (over 65 years) requiring renal replacement therapy has been reported. Both age and chronic kidney failure are risk factors for peripheral vascular disease and joint pain. The occurrence of disorders of the renal blood vessels is the main cause of end-stage kidney disease, followed by diabetes.

Cardiovascular disease and amyloidosis are the two most important aspects of dialysis in the elderly and contribute greatly to impairing the patient’s quality of life by reducing the ability to walk and exercise. Automatically many people with kidney failure are unable to exercise, making their health decline drastically.

Obstruction of the arteries contributes to a significant rate of complications and death among patients with end-stage renal disease. Its prevalence appears to be much higher among uremic patients than the general population and may be related to conventional effects, dialysis, and uremia-associated risk factors.

Although coronary artery disease is a common disease in patients with kidney disorders, most of them do not get tested for this disease; let alone prevention by quitting smoking, preventive foot care and exercise are not applied.

Ischemic Ulcers To Amputation

Amputation is more common in hemodialysis patients. Especially in male patients, diabetes, previous diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease, with mean systolic blood pressure and elevated serum phosphorus levels are often associated with amputation outcomes.

Ozone Therapy for Patients with Kidney Failure

Effects of ozone include activation of glycolysis or breakdown of glucose aka blood sugar and increased levels of ATP, slight induction of cytokine production and increased production of NO;5 increased levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (responsible for increasing oxygen delivery to ischemic tissue).

The positive effect of ozone therapy on coronary artery disease may be due to a group of mechanisms that increase blood flow in hypoxic areas aka oxygen deprivation and reduce ischemic symptoms, decrease blood viscosity and help relax blood vessels.

Regarding osteoarticular pain, ozone infusion at certain muscle trigger points helps muscle relaxation, pain reduction and relaxation of blood vessels. Hemodialysis patients are known to be particularly exposed to the generation and damaging effects of free radicals, due to uremia and dialysis procedures. Oxidative stress is implicated in several disease complications such as secondary amyloidosis and atherosclerosis.

The effect of ozone therapy on oxidative stress in hemodialysis patients has been studied. Tylicki et al. demonstrated that ozone autohemotherapy with an ozone concentration of 50 mcg/mL per gram of blood, applied three times weekly, did not induce oxidative cell injury in hemodialysis patients: the body’s defense system has antioxidants to neutralize the oxidative properties of ozone at this concentration and protect against oxidative cell damage.
Therefore, ozone therapy is a safe method and can be a complementary clinical approach in hemodialysis patients when the correct therapeutic dose is applied.

Impact of Ozone Therapy for Patients with Kidney Failure

In this article we have summarized the subjective clinical improvement reported by most of the patients, namely:

1. Complete healing of ischemic ulcers was reported by patients treated with ozone therapy.

2. The reduction of pain in each individual is strengthened by reducing the dose of analgesics or suspensions.
3. Another positive effect is the subsequent achievement of a better sleep cycle and being able to perform physical activity improves the patient’s quality of life.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai
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