Fascinating! Ozone Therapy For Cardiovascular in 2025

Fascinating! Ozone Therapy For Cardiovascular in 2025

Ozone therapy for cardiovascular disease has become a method for treating heart complaints without surgery. The method of therapy is quite simple and does not cause pain or complications. From various scientific research journals, ozone therapy has positive benefits for the health development of people with heart disease. Ozone therapy for the heart already has some positive data about its benefits in helping to reduce complaints of heart failure, heart blockage and heart valve leakage.

Ozone therapy can help increase the oxygen transport ability of blood hemoglobin and increase the resilience and flexibility of red blood cells, resulting in relieving cardiovascular disease.
Here we summarize the benefits experienced by heart disease sufferers who undergo ozone therapy for the heart.

Relieving Chest Pains

When your vascular lacks of oxygen, it will try to communicate with you through the pain that you experienced, hoping that you will take an immediate action by supplying enough oxygen for the body. Ozone therapy might be your fast & effective solution for this symptoms. In a study from Russia, the number of pain attacks was reduced by 50% in 30 patients (37.5%). This allows the patient to reduce the dose of the drug containing nitrate and in some cases to discontinue its use. Only 4 patients (5%) experienced no improvement in their condition.

ozone therapy for cardiovascular relieves chest pain

Ozone therapy has proven to be very effective in patients with progressive angina pectoris or acute heart attacks and helps patients with heart disease to have a stable condition because it helps meet the oxygen demand of the heart.

Reducing Blood’s Viscosity

Ozone therapy has been shown to help reduce blood viscosity which will facilitate circulation and also stimulates the dilation and relaxation of the arterial walls, making the patient feel relaxed and breathing easier.

By reducing blood viscosity, the work of the heart becomes lighter, reducing the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. If the blood is allowed to become too thick, the heart will have to work harder to pump blood throughout the body, because the flow becomes slower. The brain is too late to receive the flow of nutritious blood will also experience decreased function.

Therefore, the viscosity of blood should not be underestimated. Ozone therapy for the heart as a whole also helps improve blood quality which has a positive impact on your heart health.

Eliminating Plaque And Toxins in Blood Vessels

In practice, ozone therapy will form peroxides, including alkoxyl, peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ozonides, carbonyls, and alkens, which dissolve plaques that cause blood vessel constriction in people with hyperlipidemia or excess fat levels in the body and hypercholesterolemia, also known as high cholesterol. which can lead to stroke and coronary heart disease. Plaque that is successfully removed will be filtered out in the EBOO ozone therapy method. If you undergo AHT, you will excrete it through the body’s excretory system.

After undergoing ozone therapy for cardiovascular, you will be advised to drink warm water to support smooth blood circulation and support the cleansing or detoxification process in the body. Lemon infused water works the best to support the purification process.

Providing the Oxygen Needs of the Heart and Body

Oxygen is life, and when we don’t get enough oxygen focused on the right areas, it takes us longer to recover and heal. The body responds to injury by providing oxygen and substances needed to repair damaged tissue through blood circulation. In severe and chronic injuries, the delivery of oxygen and blood to the area is compromised.

Ozone therapy at Chai Natural Clinic located in Denpasar, Bali applies oxygen utilization therapy in your circulation or blood circulation. The injected ozone also improves blood supply and delivery of essential nutrients that tissues need to repair. According to testimonials from our customers, ozone therapy has helped them feel a fresher body condition.

Ozone Therapy For Cardiovascular Helps Recovery After Stroke

In the story of one of the patients from Chai Natural Clinic who had had a stroke, he had felt great sadness because he could not return to his activities as before. Mr. Bambang Eko, after undergoing therapy at Chai Natural Clinic, was able to walk on his own without being guided again. What pleased him most was that his voice, which had been stuttering before, was now firm and loud again.

In stroke patients such as Mr. Bambang, ozone therapy will help to provide medical oxygen throughout the body, make blood flow to the brain smoother, and avoid constriction of blood vessels to the brain.

f you have any questions about how Chai Natural Clinic can help you, you can do a free consultation by pressing the Whatsapp button at the bottom right, or you can send an email to info@chainaturalclinic.com

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai