[Fact or Fiction] Ozone Therapy for Cancer (Ver. 2025)

[Fact or Fiction] Ozone Therapy for Cancer (Ver. 2025)

terapi ozon untuk kanker

Ozone Therapy for cancer is a revolution in modern medicine where not only diseases including like Cancer, but also Hepatitis, HIV are managed. Ozone therapy consists of the process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). It can be used to treat medical conditions by stimulating the immune system. It can also be used to disinfect and treat disease

Prestigious journals have published articles on the capacity of ozone to induce direct damage on tumor cells and, as well, to enhance the effects of radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT) in several decades. Hence, many clinicians advocate ozone therapy for cancer treatment.

However, these studies only have been conducted in vitro in the laboratory and in some animal models. As such, the effects of ozone on tumor cells have been demonstrated in very different conditions from those employed in clinical ozone therapy (O3T) sessions. In clinical practice, usually, the ozone does not enter into direct contact with the tumor cells; i.e., the ozone does not exercise a direct effect.

Apart from this, indirect mechanism-of-action ozone stimulates adaptive mechanisms that can induce modulations in the organism by affecting the immune system, blood flow and oxygenation, and oxidative stress. These indirect effects can be potentially beneficial in anticancer therapy, as has been suggested by some studies.  

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

By elevating the amount of oxygen present in the body, ozone therapy could help to reduce the clogging of blood cells; decrease uric acid in the body, improve blood circulation, detoxify the liver; oxygen supply to kill viruses, bacteria and fungus and improve the activity of the white blood cells.

Ozone therapy is a dynamic-versatile protocol since it could be administered in a number of different ways, depending on the condition being treated. Often, patients will receive ozone therapy in more than one form, especially if their illness is chronic. In Chai Natural Clinic, we could provide you EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation) and Autohaemotherapy (AHT).

Ozone Therapy For Cancer : Real or Myth

Both of tumor ischemia and tumor hypoxia are well-known adverse factors in cancer. They have resistance to RT and CT as well as progression and development of metastases despite therapy [38].

Study found that an increase in blood flow in the tumor during treatment could potentially increase the local delivery of the CT drugs and, as such, result in a more effective CT. Similarly, an increase in tumor blood flow during RT could potentially increase local delivery of radiosensitizing drugs and oxygen, thus increasing the effectiveness of the RT. Hypoxic cells can become 3 times more resistant to RT than the well-oxygenated tumor cells [39], and small increases in oxygenation in hypoxic cells result in a remarkable enhancement of the effectiveness of RT. Similarly, hypoxia decreases the effectiveness of several chemotherapeutic drugs.

ozone therapy for cancer
Cancer cells have different life cycles

Cancer cells live in the opposite way to our healthy cells or human body – they died or having apoptosis  when they exposed to oxygen and they thrive in low-oxygen environments. When a healthy cell’s access to oxygen is cut off, it literally can’t breathe and it becomes damaged. In its damaged state, it no longer functions as it should: it no longer heals things, it can’t make hormones and it can no longer digest food. The cell mutates and evolves into a cancer cell that thrives on sugar, multiplies quickly and turns a once-healthy person into a cancer patient. 

By adding oxygen to the body in the form of ozone, Chai Natural Clinic will help you to create an oxygen-rich environment in which cancer cells will induce the apotosis or self-suicide. Ozone therapy for cancer will increases the efficiency of all cells in the body, increases energy, promotes the production of antioxidants, and enhances the immune system.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai