Why Ozone Dialysis (EBOO) Works The Best For You

Why Ozone Dialysis (EBOO) Works The Best For You

ozone dialysis eboo medical team

Ozone Dialysis is still considered an uncommon way to do ozone therapy, despite the promising efficacy. Truth to be told, ozone dialysis is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions. It is a procedure that is performed by doctors or nurses with carefully measured oxygens. It helps to deliver oxygens directly into your blood, which could lead to immediate results. 

The ozone gas used in ozone dialysis is produced by a medical grade ozone generator. The ozone generator is calibrated to produce a precise amount of ozone gas, which is then mixed with oxygen gas before it is introduced into the dialysis machine.

The dialysis machine used for ozone dialysis is a special type of machine that is designed to handle the high concentrations of ozone gas that are used in this procedure. The dialysis machine has a number of safety features that help to prevent the patient from being exposed to too much ozone gas. 

How Ozone Dialysis Works

A disposable-peristaltic pump is utilized to extract blood from a peripheral vein into the dialysis chamber, where blood flows around tiny tubules in the chamber while ozone gas flows in the opposite direction (as a countercurrent) inside the tiny tubules in the dialysis chamber. The ozonated blood will be returned by the peristaltic pump to the patient through a second peripheral vein. In contrast to the other forms of ozone delivery, little is known about actual ozone uptake by this method.

Ozone dialysis or also known as EBOO Therapy is a relatively new treatment, and there is still some research that needs to be done to fully understand its long-term effects. However, the research that has been done so far suggests that ozone dialysis is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions.

Clinical Trials About Ozone Dialysis

Di Paolo et al.19 reported on “EBOO” the interaction of ozone with blood components resulted in 4–5-fold increased levels of thiobarbituric acid reactants and a proportional decrease in plasma protein thiols without any appreciable erythrocyte hemolysis. In humans, EBOO Therapy clearly has clinical efficacy, which is superior to prostacyclin alone in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease and necrotizing fasciitis.

Taken from the research from the respective author, Rowen et.al (2023) an “average” dialysis treatment would result in an average blood uptake of 37% of the ozone provided. For example, at 30 μg/mL, they predict that about 600,000 μg of ozone is taken up for the one- hour treatment. However, this needs to be adjusted by –23% to account for our measurements of the non-blood-loaded apparatus itself absorbing or degrading the ozone. That –23% correlated to –7 μg at a delivery concentration of 30 μg/mL. Therefore, 30 μg/mL – 7 μg/mL loss × 0.9 L/min × 60 minutes × 37% = ~460,000 μg blood uptake.

Ozone dialysis when delivered at 30 μg/mL appears to deliver an average of 3.28 times the amount of ozone compared to the next highest method of delivery – OHT (10 passes) – which delivers 140,000 μg.

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation or ozone dialysis has been performed for at least two decades with no published reports of injuries. In discussions at ozone conferences, it is said to be highly effective. We see here that ozone dialysis is delivering, on average, at least 3 times more ozone in μg than other high dose delivery methods. MAH can treat 200 mL of blood with 200 mL of gas. At a commonly provided concentration of 50 μg/mL, 10,000 μg is delivered in total. If 70 μg/mL is used, 14,000 μg would be delivered. The dialysis treatment described is delivering some 32–46-fold more than MAH.

Also read : Blood Ozone or Saline Ozone Therapy?

Ozone Dialysis Benefits

As conclusion, ozone dialysis is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Lyme disease

And not to forget, the benefits of ozone dialysis include:

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Increased oxygen levels in the blood
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Improved detoxification
  • Increased energy levels
  • Enhanced immune function
  • Improved overall health and well-being
  • Improved athletic performance, boosted the immune system, and promoted overall health and well-being. 

It is important to discuss your health conditions with our health consultant before taking the ozone therapy, since we need to adjust your body with the exposure of high oxygens and take precautions for any possible side effects. You are also encouraged to take your meals to keep your blood sugars optimal, reduce alcohol & caffeine intakes and stay hydrated for the best results.

Image credits to : pressfoto

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai