5 Top Lethargic’s Factors You Never Imagine

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5 Top Lethargic’s Factors You Never Imagine

feeling tired & lethargic

The cause of the body getting lethargic, tired & experiencing fatigue easily even though it is not doing much activity can come from an unhealthy lifestyle or certain diseases. It is normal for the body to feel tired after a lot of activity or just doing strenuous exercise. However, some conditions and diseases that affect physical fitness can make people tired easily or tired constantly despite minimal activity. Here are some of them:

Lethargic due to lack of exercise

According to Healthline, the habit of being lazy to move, sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity actually makes the body less powerful. People who rarely exercise and are not active, tend to get tired easily. How to get rid of fatigue can be started by reducing the intensity of sitting. Try getting out of your seat to just stretch, go to the bathroom, or grab a drink every hour. In addition, try to live an active lifestyle. For example, choose to take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and park in a place farther away so you can walk farther. Not less important, make sure you exercise regularly at least twice a week.

Lack of Sleeps

Lack of sleep and poor quality sleep can both cause the body to tire easily. Sleep problems can be caused by many things. Like many thoughts, excessive caffeine consumption, dinner schedule too close to bedtime, or too much exposure to bright light from the device before bed. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep every night. If the quantity of sleep is not met, the body has a sleep debt. This accumulation or accumulation of sleep debt can make the body tired easily. In the long term, this condition is prone to triggering chronic diseases.

Stressful lifestyle

Not only physical problems, high stress and mental health disorders can also make the body lethargic in a short of time. Stress and mental health disorders greatly affect sleep patterns. Generally, people who experience mental stress become addicted to sleep or have difficulty sleeping. They both interfere with normal sleep patterns. With the disruption of normal sleep patterns, the body inevitably becomes tired easily.

Too much sugars

Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. When consumed, the body will convert this substance into sugar. However, too much intake of high simple carbohydrates actually makes you tired easily. When you eat simple carbohydrates such as sugar, sweet foods, white rice, or foods with a high glycemic index, blood sugar levels spike and then fall back down quickly. This indicates that the pancreas is working hard to produce insulin to remove sugar from the blood into the body. The drastic rise and fall of blood sugar levels is what makes you feel tired. Instead of consuming a lot of carbohydrates and sugar intake, try supplementing your menu with lots of high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruit.

Lack of oxygen

The dense activity of urban communities makes the body need an adequate supply of oxygen. This is important because without a blood supply that contains enough oxygen, the tissues or organs of the body cannot work properly. 

Low energy is one of signs your body needs more oxygens

Conditions like this can certainly lead to dangerous things if not addressed quickly. Therefore, reduced oxygen in the body can also have an impact on the accumulation of lactic acid. It is the result of carbohydrate metabolism without the use of oxygen. 

As a result, the body’s resistance & stamina will decrease, get tired easily, lethargic and become achy. Frequent yawning is also a sign that the brain is deprived of oxygen.

If you are looking for alternative & effective therapy to boost your oxygen level, you should try ozone therapy since it helps to supply your body needs. With enough oxygen, you could trigger more energy, since your blood will circulate optimally.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai