Kidney stones, occur unconsciously

Kidney stones, occur unconsciously

Kidney stones most often occur in men. Food factors may play a role in increasing the number of cases of kidney stones. Treatment for kidney stones is usually done by surgery. Removing kidney stones without surgeries can be done with proper care, one of which is through natural remedies namely herbs.

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney stone disease is a disease of stones in the kidney cavity with all its problems. Kidney stones are formed due to the deposition of mineral and organic compounds. Precipitation of the stone is caused by infection in the kidney or inundation of urine in the kidney. One of these inundations caused back pressure when the bladder is blocked. Some other causes of kidney stones are complications from gout, unbalanced food, or lack of vitamins and the presence of chemical salts in urine such as phosphates and urates as the basis for the formation of kidney stones.

Symptoms of Kidney Stone Disease

  1. Without Symptoms

    Many people suffer from kidney stones without any symptoms (asymptomatic). If you have very small kidney stones, they are usually not known or felt. Sometimes small stones like this are found if you have an imaging test (X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound) for reasons that are not related to kidney problems. Your doctor may take a “wait and see” approach if you find that you have kidney stones without disturbing symptoms.

  2. Pain

    Pain due to kidney stones can feel mild to severe. Larger kidney stones are more likely to cause pain when descending into the ureter. The most common pain sites associated with kidney stones are the lower back (on both sides), the lower abdomen and groin area, as well as under the rib cage. Pain may come bumpy. You may also experience frequent urination pain.

  3. Nausea and Vomiting

    The pain caused by kidney stones may be so severe that you may also experience nausea and vomiting. When kidney stones move to the ureter and block the flow of urine, this causes pain that is described as worse than giving birth. Severe pain, nausea, and vomiting must be treated with strong pain medications, antiemetics, and intravenous fluids.

  4. Fever and Shivering

    Fever and chills are sometimes also a symptom of kidney stones. These symptoms are disturbing symptoms that require immediate medical evaluation because fever and chills can mean that you also have an infection (potentially life threatening, if not treated). You should seek treatment immediately if you have a fever and chills associated with kidney stones, even if you only experience mild pain.

  5. Blood in Urine

    Blood in the urine, called “hematuria,” is another common symptom of kidney stones. When kidney stones pass through the urinary tract, it irritates the ureter and causes bleeding. Your urine may look pink or reddish depending on the severity of the bleeding. Blood in the urine is a serious symptom that requires a quick evaluation by your doctor.

  6. Other Urine Changes

    If you see urine that is cloudy or very smelly, this can be a sign of infection associated with kidney stones. However, these symptoms can also be a sign of other medical problems, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder infections, cystitis, or even sexually transmitted diseases (PMS) such as gonorrhea. If you have cloudy or foul-smelling urine, see your doctor immediately.

Who is prone to kidney stone disease?

Kidney disorder is very uncomfortable and quite torturous. This condition generally afflicts those who do not have a healthy lifestyle. In addition to unhealthy lifestyles that can be used as a cause of kidney disease, a routine that is carried out every day with the category of doing a job that is heavy enough to spend a lot of energy resulting in unhealthy diet and lack of attention to body conditions are very risky especially for those who have excretion problems.
Someone who has disorders of the kidneys will usually experience symptoms such as aches in the waist. If you often experience such symptoms, it can be said that someone has kidney problems. Therefore this kidney disease should not be considered lightly, because if it is detected as having kidney disease, expensive costs await at the end. Worse than ever, if kidney disease is felt to be severe enough, a person should undergo routine dialysis treatments for his/her entire life.

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