Keep Sober and Take Your Fiber

Keep Sober and Take Your Fiber

Fiber is a part of food that cannot be digested and absorbed by the body. Fiber is not a nutrient, but fiber is needed by the body because of its ability to bind to fluids. The water content in the fiber is high so that one of its functions is to help the process of defecating regularly and normally. Fiber speeds up food debris through the digestive tract to be excreted out. Without the help of fiber, faeces with low water content will stay longer in the digestive tract and it is difficult to escape because the intestinal peristalsis becomes slower.

Several studies have shown that low levels of cholesterol in the blood are related to high fiber content in food. Without enough fiber, the duodenum must work extra hard to excrete faeces. Over time the duodenum is no longer able to provide sufficient pressure, causing bleeding and hemorrhoids appear. In general, hemorrhoids can be divided into two, namely hemorrhoids that occur outside the body (can be seen) and hemorrhoids that occur inside the body (cannot be seen but sufferers can feel it). Fiber can also help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent atherosclerosis or blockage of blood vessels that occur due to fat-blocking. If a blockage occurs in the heart’s blood vessels it will cause coronary heart disease, while if it occurs in the brain, it will cause a stroke. Fiber can even prevent breast cancer as well. In one study in Australia, it is known that women who consume fiber up to 30 grams per day have a lower risk of breast cancer.

In a daily menu with 2100-2200 calories in Daily Nutrition Needs, a balanced nutritional composition is obtained from

  • 3 servings of rice (@ 100 grams)
  • 2 servings of animal side dishes (meat or chicken or fish or eggs)
  • 2 servings of vegetable side dishes (tempeh or tofu or other beans)
  • 1 serving of snacks (tubers)
  • 3 servings of various vegetables
  • 2 servings of various fruits

Besides the good side, fiber also has some negative things. Fiber is the cause of the unavailability of some nutrients. For example, vitamin D absorption can be disrupted due to the presence of fiber. This mechanism occurs because the fiber also plays a major role in the binding of bile acids, which have a function in the digestion and absorption of fat. If the absorption of fat is inhibited eating fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) is also inhibited absorption. To anticipate the negative effects of fiber, fiber should still be consumed in a balanced amount.

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai