How To Avoid Annoying Recurrence of Herpes Virus In Your Life : 3 Easiest Way

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How To Avoid Annoying Recurrence of Herpes Virus In Your Life : 3 Easiest Way

how to avoid herpes recurrence

Prevalence of HSV (herpes simplex virus) infection has continued to increase in recent decades, making it an important health problem in the world.1 This virus is ubiquitous, adapts easily to its host and can cause a variety of diseases.

There are 2 serotypes, namely HSV-1 and HSV-2. Generally HSV-1 is associated with orofacial disease, while HSV-2 is associated with genital disease, but the location of the lesion does not always indicate the type of virus.1,2 Approximately 80% of HSV infections are asymptomatic. Symptomatic infection will cause significant morbidity and recurrence

Herpes Transmission, Simple But Unexpected

HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be found in ruptured blisters, although this is not always the case. The virus can also be present in layers of skin that appear intact. Herpes simplex transmission occurs through skin contact with wounds that contain the herpes virus.

HSV-1 is spread through oral secretions or wounds to the skin, for example through activities such as kissing, sharing toothbrushes or eating utensils. HSV-1 can also cause sores in the genital area other than the mouth and lips, commonly referred to as a fever blister. HSV-1 infection in the genital area is caused by mouth-to-genital contact or genital-to-genital contact with someone who has HSV-1 infection.

Genital herpes can only be transmitted through sexual contact between people who already have the virus in their bodies and people who are not infected. Sexual contact can be anal, vaginal or oral. The spread of infection can occur from a partner who is infected without any sores and is not even aware that he or she has a herpes virus infection.

Observe your current symptoms

In general, herpes virus infection does not cause symptoms or only mild symptoms, so people with HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection do not realize that they are sick. Moreover, the symptoms often

considered as another skin disorder. When symptoms occur, they appear as small clear blisters, can be singular or plural, in the area around the mouth, genitals, or rectum. Bubbles can burst (this period is called an outbreak) and cause canker-like scars that take two or four weeks to heal. Herpes sores located in the mouth usually feel like tingling and burning shortly before the outbreak.

The bubble itself actually quite painful. During the first outbreak, severe pain around the genitals or wound area may be described, a burning sensation, or difficulty urinating. There are also people who secrete fluid from the vagina or penis. Other flu-like symptoms include fever, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes around the injured area. Outbreak can happen repeatedly, it’s just that the duration will be shorter and not as heavy as the first episode. The infection can persist in the body for an undetermined time. However, the number of outbreaks tends to decrease over time.

Validate Your Herpes Symptoms : Going To Doctors

Go to the doctor and immediately do a venereal disease test to confirm your actual condition. Your doctor will take a sample if you suspect symptoms of sores that resemble genital herpes on your skin and immediately check it in a laboratory for further testing.

Blood tests may also be done to see the antibodies your immune system will make when you are infected. The second type of herpes simplex virus, HSV-2, almost always infects the genital area. So if the test results show antibodies to HSV-2 are detected in the blood, this means you may have genital herpes.

Meanwhile, if the blood test results show antibodies to other types of herpes virus, such as HSV-1, then there are two possibilities that occur. You could have genital or oral herpes. This is because oral herpes can be spread to the genitals during oral sex.

I am positive, what should I do?

feeling desperate because of herpes infection is normal

When you get laboratory results stating that you have a herpes virus infection, you may feel panicked, confused and disappointed. However, you need to immediately take the necessary measures to prevent the herpes virus infection from getting worse.

Avoiding Foods Containing Arginine

Launching from The New Zealand Herpes Foundation, people with genital herpes are advised to avoid foods that contain arginine. Arginine is a type of semi-essential amino acid that is actually good for the body. But at the same time, the herpes virus makes this arginine a source of energy to grow and trigger symptoms.

Examples of foods that contain arginine include chocolate, peanuts, almonds, peanut butter, seeds, oats, and oats. Therefore, you should limit or even avoid these foods to prevent genital herpes from recurring.

Foods containing refined carbohydrates and sugar also have a similar effect. Refined carbohydrates such as pasta and white bread can suppress the immune system and actually make the body more susceptible to illness.

Likewise, when you eat sweet foods, the sugar content will fight vitamin C in the body. As a result, the body becomes overwhelmed to fight the herpes virus and exposes you to recurrent genital herpes.

Consuming More Lysine

Lysine is an essential amino acid that can reduce the amount of the herpes virus in the body. This type of amino acid works by inhibiting the work of arginine, so that the symptoms can be suppressed so they don’t recur.

You can get the amino acid lysine by eating more vegetables, eggs, seafood, beef, and chicken. For those of you who have an intolerance or allergy to these foods, you can switch to dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and butter.

Increase the Amount of Antioxidants

In fact, our bodies can produce their own antioxidants naturally. However, the amount may not be enough to fight free radicals and various external diseases.

That is why, you still need an additional intake of antioxidants from food to prevent herpes from recurring. You can get these antioxidants from green tea, vegetables and fruits, including cauliflower, spinach, kale, and tomatoes.

However, there are times when as we age and prolonged exposure to pollution, our body doesn’t have enough antioxidants. For that you may consider additional treatments such as ozone therapy.

It is known from many researches that ozone has a high antibacterial and antiviral effect and this is utilized in the industrial treatment of drinking water. In research paper from Ozone as Therapy in Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster Diseases, they tried to utilize this ozone effect in the treatment of some viral diseases of man. 30 patients with herpes zoster and 27 with herpes simplex labialis were treated with injections of an oxygen-ozone mixture.

According to their results they asserted that ozone seemed to be very effective in the therapy of herpes zoster and simplex labialis diseases.

Living Peacefully With Herpes Is Not Impossible

The most important thing when you are living with herpes is to maintain your immunity system well, therefore those symptoms are suppressed and it will not give you a recurrence. Balanced diet plays a huge role when we are talking about maintaining the immune system. Foods with high sugars tend to lowering your ability to fight back infections, which turns to be the main reason why you get sick so easily.

Not just foods, exercising is a good idea to support your healthy life. Taking a light exercise for 30 minutes daily could help your body to perform better endurance. If you think that light exercise is not your cup of tea, you could escalate the exercise into 70 minutes of high intensity training. 2-3 times a week for high intensity training is a great idea to quickly develop a result.

However, you should not forget that mental health also plays a role in your healthy life. An exposure to toxic social life and stress are negatively impacting your mind which could take an effect in your physical conditions also. Meditation and yoga are the perfect match to increase your mind and body’s health since the sessions are most likely involve how to calm your mind with maintaining certain posture that requires a flexibility and endurance.

If you would like to have a consultation with our experienced health practitioner, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

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