Hemorrhoids Almost Killed Me

Never crossed in the slightest thought of Ateng’s mind, a patient from Mr.Chai’s Traditional Healer that the diagnosis of hemorrhoids he suffered turned out to be the beginning of stage 3 colon cancer.
“It’s like a nightmare in broad daylight,” said Ateng.
Initially, Ateng just thought it was just an ordinary hemorrhoids, making him underestimate the hemorrhoids. As time went by, Ateng began to feel disturbed because he could not sit at all, defecating even less frequently. When successfully defecating, a lot of blood drips. Ateng’s wife, who was worried about her husband’s condition, requested Ateng to have a check-up at the hospital.
As it turned out, the results of the examination revealed that Ateng’s duodenum which was connected to the anus, had decayed and rotten.
“My wife cried sadly because of that.” Ateng said with low-sounds like sad voice. “The only way is to cut the decayed duodenum and I will not be able to defecate normally. Must go through the bag that will be attached under my navel.”
Because they will make a big decision, Ateng discussed with his family. Ateng’s daughter gave advice for integrative treatment with hope that Ateng would not have to cut his duodenum. Finally, their family was determined to try to meet Mr.Chai.
“Mr.Chai said, I don’t need a surgery if my health development is good,” Ateng said.
He said that Mr.Chai suggested him to take ozone therapy in the form of EBOO combined with herbs and organic food.
One week after EBOO ozone therapy, Ateng’s hemorrhoids begin to deflate and heal. Ateng slowly began to defecate. “First time defecating, lumps like black tumors all come out.” Ateng said, his wife was very excited and began to be optimistic that Ateng would recover. His wife’s enthusiasm also affects Ateng.
“EBOO ozone therapy turned out to be very positive for my health,” he continued without hesitation. Ateng could not imagine what if he decided to cut his duodenum that time. He will spend his entire life carrying bags of feces everywhere.
“Obviously it would be very embarrassing and disturbing, thankfully I didn’t do it.” These words were agreed by Ateng’s wife and children. “I am very grateful to meet Mr.Chai, hopefully I can recover completely.”
Last but not least, Ateng advised, don’t underestimate hemorrhoids if you don’t want to have the same fate as him. Earlier the hemorrhoids are treated, the better result will be achieved because hemorrhoids can be a symptom of deadly disease