EECP, Helping You Fighting the CVD without Surgeries

EECP, Helping You Fighting the CVD without Surgeries

EECP (Enhanced External Heart Counter Pulsation) therapy is a non-invasive therapy for CVD that uses three sets of cuffs (pneumatic cuffs) that are wrapped around the calves, thighs and hips of the therapist. The cuff is filled with air and then emptied according to a known cardiac cycle based on a computer-controlled ECG.

This therapy results in increased production of Vascular Endothelial Growth. This factor is important because it will form new collaterals to supply the heart muscle which is deprived of blood due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. The benefits have been proven in helping people with refracter angina and improving quality of life so that it has been approved by the FDA as a therapeutic option for people with coronary heart disease. EECP can help those who are unable to undergo CVD or Cardiovascular Disease such percutaneous coronary intervention and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting due to cost.

Recommendations for EECP Usage for CVD

The EECP is highly recommended for people who:

  • Had angioplasty / bypass surgery in the past
  • Have heart block or chest pain (chronic stable angina)
  • Want to avoid complications of heart disease
  • Have lifestyle diseases (cholesterol, diabetes)
  • Had an ischemic stroke, heart failure.

In a 2014 study conducted by Bozorgi on the effect of EECP on its users, resulted in an increase in functional capacity even 6 months after therapy was stopped.

eecp treatment for cvd

source :Saaoul Heart Hospital

The study population consisted of 20 patients. The patients were diagnosed with refractory stable angina pectoris despite optimized medical (pharmacological) and invasive therapy. Medical therapy includes the use of anti-angina drugs that can be maximally tolerated. Patient data recorded before treatment consisted of age, sex, weight, history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, and previous angiographic and surgical information, if any. Three patients had a history of hypertension, 6 patients had hyperlipidemia, 5 patients with diabetes mellitus, 16 patients had significant coronary artery disease, 4 patients were active smokers, one patient had peripheral vascular disease, and finally normal kidney function in all patients. .

These patients were referred to EECP because of refractory stable angina pectoris despite pharmacological therapy and were deemed unsuitable or unwilling to consider revascularization with conventional percutaneous or surgical treatment. All patients had coronary artery disease (coronary angiography or history of myocardial infarction). All patients were monitored by a cardiologist. Relevant background medical history was recorded.

Along with other similar studies, there was a significant increase in functional capacity after 35 sessions. This adds to one piece of evidence for the EECP to be an alternative to help patients who cannot undergo surgical operations either due to limited costs or unsupportive health conditions.

EECP therapy is available at Chai Natural Clinic for an affordable price and can be done in stages. Care for your heart by taking care of it with us. Please contact customer service for further consultation or push button below.

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