Danger! Your Daily Salts Might Destroy Your Kidney

When it comes to consuming salt, take an example of the Eskimos, Dayaks or Inca Indians. They barely eat salt, but can still live. Their menus tend to be bland, but there is nothing lacking in the continuity of the workings of the engine body. And indeed that is what our bodies really need. Avoid entering Chinese or Indian restaurants if you are abstaining from salt. Salty menu is formed more because of urban culture when a good taste of kitchen salt is found. The culture of fond of consuming salt unknowingly has made the kidneys tormented and is working harder to get rid of excess sodium from the salt that is ingested every day. Though the body does not need salt as much as our eating habits. We swallow an average of 5-6 times the body’s salt needs from the daily menu.
In salt Da [ut contained elements of sodium and chlorine. The element sodium is important for regulating fluid balance in the body, in addition to its function in nerve transmission and muscle work. We may not eat salt, as long as there is sodium in the daily menu ,. Many daily menus that store sodium and it can meet the body’s needs. But because the sodium that is naturally contained in food does not bind to chlorine so it doesn’t give a salty taste to our tongue. That means, even though the menu we consume is without salt or not salty, it does not eat our body does not get enough salt. Likewise, most non-saline daily menus of Eskimos, Dayaks and Indians, but the body does not lack sodium.
So it is actually our tongue that has been damaged by salty food culture, so it tends to choose the wrong menu according to what the body needs. Salt on our dining table is traditional evidence that the demands of the tongue of modern people tend to feel the menu is less salty.
The body needs less than seven grams of kitchen a day or the equivalent of 3,000 mg of sodium. Most of our daily menus give many times more than that. As a result, in addition to raising blood pressure, the kidneys work so much harder to get rid of it. If it is very excessive can make the brain work disrupted.
One teaspoon of table salt contains 2,000 mg of sodium. Sodium contained in each modern menu is on average around 500 mg. At that dose the kidneys need to work overtime to maintain fluid and acid balance so that the body’s machine is not chaotic from diseases due to excess sodium does not appear. Types of foods that contain a lot of sodium, among others, baking soda, baked goods, cheese, canned foods and seafood, and grains.
In the European Union now there are provisions for product labeling for sodium, so consumers do not get caught consuming too much. Among them, various types of sauces, processed fish, bread, soups, salted seasonings (MSG) and now also include all types of baby food.
Not only high blood pressure, people who suffer from heart disease and swollen legs also need to limit salt intake. Likewise if you have kidney disease, pregnancy poisoning and liver disorders. Including those who are undergoing corticosteroid drug therapy.
In addition, many disorders that elevate levels of salt in the blood, such as in diabetes, chronic kidney failure, excess calcium or potassium deficiency, including if the body loses fluids such as excessive sweating, diarrhea and lack of drinking.
But if abstinence from too much salt can also endanger the body. Drastic sodium and chlorine deficiency can be another burden on the kidneys, with swelling or edema occurring. For that, consume measured amount of salt.