Choices of the Heart

By Michele Misiewicz
While many friends have told me of Bali’s beauty and spirituality, in my 55 years of life on planet Earth I’d never been drawn to visit. So, despite my thirteen year old daughter nagging me to take her to Bali, my close friend about to visit Bali again and my Chiropractor having just returned from a visit to Bali with his wife, it was still a shock to find myself visiting Bali. I could say that the “three signs” drawing me to Bali were too much to ignore but the truth is that my Chiropractors visit to Mr. Chai for Integrative Therapy sealed the deal.
In March 2013, after visiting a local Cardiologist in Wollongong, Australia, I was left with little choice other than prescribed drugs and immediate hospitalisation to investigate why I became breathless and had chest pain after very little physical exertion. While I generally hold the medical professional in high esteem I take every opportunity life gives me to educate myself and make conscious choices. In this case taking prescribed drugs and undergoing a medical procedure was not the route that appealed to me. I don’t know why. I decided to change my diet and I tried to exercise more but I didn’t seem to be getting anywhere with my medical problem.
The moment my Chiropractor handed me a brochure from Mr. Chai for Integrative Therapy I knew that I would visit Bali. I was immediately drawn to the Medical Ozone Therapy (EBOO), not for its claimed anti-aging therapeutic benefit but because Ozone Therapy is clinically proven in treating many conditions, Heart Failure being at the top of the list. I also wanted to explore EEHCP Therapy as it is specifically used on patients who experience chest pain on exertion and decreased exercise tolerance – it was exactly the alternate to surgery that I was looking for! The brochure and my Chiropractors direct experience provided the education I needed to take my next steps to address my problem but I should have guessed that I would have to encounter a few fears along the way.
A treatment program was created for the duration of my visit and I commenced with EBOO the day after I arrived. Other than having the needles inserted into each arm to filter my blood the hour long treatment was essentially painless and I was able to talk throughout it to the staff. I was fascinated to observe the colour of my blood both before and after the filtering process and somewhat grossed out to see how much garbage had been extracted from my blood!!! This process alone has had a huge impact on reducing my dietary intake of fats. I was then switched to 4 days of EEHCP Therapy before EBOO again on the 5th day and before reverting to EEHCP again each day. While a comfortable process I found the EEHCP very challenging.
I didn’t fully understand how it worked and was suddenly aware that I was in a foreign country hooked up to heart monitors and machines and as much as I was supposed to relax it was difficult. I thought my heart beat worked the machine and when the machine stopped I started to panic about what was going on with my heart! It was later that I came to learn that the machine stopped working to protect my heart and then worked again as my heart could handle the additional stress so I was completely safe. I came to look forward to my daily 45 minute EEHCP treatment and I think it was due to the fact that I had such a good outcome. During my first EEHCP treatment I felt something “pop” in my chest and from that point on my breathing altered. I discovered that this treatment is equivalent to running 3kms and from that point on the physical changes I experienced made sense.
During my time in Bali I visited the Monkey Park at Ubud and had no trouble at all walking up the long steep stairs. Prior to my treatment this would not have been possible. I would have had to stop and rest as this was my usual modus operandi just walking 20 meters from my local beach in Australia back to my car. I also found that after each treatment I simply felt better and could breathe so much easier.
The treatments had such a profound impact on my body that I decided to try Dome –Germanium Therapy to see if it would assist in removing the Bakers Cysts I have behind each of my knees. I only had one treatment and I still have the Cysts but I definitely do not have to same pain level as I had before the treatment and am now able to use my step machine at home for 30 minutes each day. Again, aside from the breathing difficulties I had prior to treatment, it was not possible to exercise out of water due to my knee pain experienced during exercise. My body was feeling a lot older than my 55 years!
I am actually quite humbled to say that my visit to Mr.Chai for Integrative Therapy in Denpasar was a very positive life altering experience. I genuinely feel much stronger and healthier and happier and want to keep on exploring what is on offer at the Clinic. The exceptional staff truly serve from the heart and I hope my friendships made will continue in the years to come.
I’m grateful that my Chiropractor Dr Carsen Tannberg shared his personal experience concerning the Clinic and likewise if anyone would like to contact me directly in Australia please feel free to do so via and your email will be passed along to me.