Caution! Tingling Should Not Be Underestimated

Caution! Tingling Should Not Be Underestimated

In our daily activities, we’ve all likely felt a temporary tingling sensation in our hands or feet. It could happen if we fall asleep on our arm or sit with our legs crossed for too long, or any static position that leaden the blood flows in our body. You may also see this sensation referred to as paresthesia. The feelings are described as a prickling, burning, or “pins and needles” sensation. In addition to tingling, you may also feel numbness, pain, or weakness in or around your hands and feet. Tingling in your hands or feet can be caused by a variety of factors or conditions. There are numerous conditions that can cause you to feel numbness and tingling, such as:

  • Insect or animal bite
  • Toxins found in seafood
  • Abnormal level of vitamin B-12, potassium, calcium, or sodium
  • Radiation and chemotherapy
  • Medications

Generally speaking, pressure, trauma, or damage to nerves could trigger the tingling sensation as well. Placing pressure on a nerve is a common cause. Carpal tunnel syndrome, scar tissue, enlarged blood vessels, infection, or a tumor can all place pressure on a nerve. Likewise, inflammation or swelling of the spinal cord or brain can place pressure on one or more nerves.

But then, what is the specific cause? Here below, we listed the culprit of your tingling phenomena.

  • Diabetes
  • Neuropathy
  • Migraine
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke or transient ischemic attack (mini stroke)
  • Seizures
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)

Based on the list above, tingling is the sign that should not be underrated. You will never want to experience the rest of your life on hospital’s bed because you are too late to realize something is happening inside your body. We completely understand why most of us tend to take it easy with this. Occasionally, everyone experiences numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation. You probably have felt it when you stood up after sitting in one position for a long time. Usually it resolves within minutes.

Yes it is normal to happen sometimes. However, you should consult your doctor if there’s no obvious cause for continuing numbness and tingling, you feel dizzy or have muscle spasms, or you have a rash.

Tell your doctor if the symptoms in your legs worsen when you walk or if you’re urinating more frequently than usual.

In some cases, feelings of numbness and tingling or burning could indicate a serious injury or medical condition. Seek an immediate care especially if you recently experienced any of the following:

  • A back, neck, or head injury
  • Inability to walk or move
  • Loss of consciousness, even if only for a short time
  • Feelings of confusion or trouble thinking clearly
  • Slurred speech
  • Vision problems
  • Feelings of weakness or severe pain
  • Losing control of your bowels or bladder
Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai