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Best Ozone Therapy in Bali

Understanding PCR and Rapid Tests to Avoid Mistakes

The Corona virus pandemic makes the term PCR test and Rapid Test a common thing for the ear to hear. Actually, whats the difference between PCR and Rapid Test?

Ozone Therapy Testimonial from Richard Max Smith : Journey To Recovery

Prelude Our ozone therapy testimonial came from Max Smith who retired from the NSW Legislative assembly in 1986 and decided to move to SE Queensland. Moving to a three acre place with a new four bedroom house found it needed provision for treatment of grey water. Having experienced the problem in Palm Beach NSW and…
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Survived from Stroke, Life Begins Again

My disease started from the fasting month of 2011. I suddenly felt weak and unable to stand up. My family panicked, then took me to the hospital. The CT scan results, the doctor stated that the blood vessels in my brain had burst. The doctor said this was a stroke, as a result I had…
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Sucessfully Recovered from Cysts, Wife Conceived a Child

For married couples, having children might be one of the goals. The presence of children can be a baby and a sign of love from a married couple. A baby is also generally awaited by parents of couples who want to have grandchildren. However, sometimes having children is not always easy.

Kidney stones, occur unconsciously

Kidney stones most often occur in men. Food factors may play a role in increasing the number of cases of kidney stones. Treatment for kidney stones is usually done by surgery. Removing kidney stones without surgeries can be done with proper care, one of which is through natural remedies namely herbs.

Are You Suitable For Ozone Therapy?

With the development of technology, the world of medicine is also developing as a form of adaptation to meet human needs to be able to live healthy and full of vitality. Therefore various types of therapy continue to be developed, one of which is Ozone therapy. Ozone gas therapy is one thing that has caught…
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Recovers from Medication’s Allergy after Ozone Therapy

In some people, taking drugs is not easy because their immune systems react to these drugs. We call this a drug allergy. A person can have an allergy to one type of drug, even though there was never a reaction to the same drug before. Specific forms of drug allergic reactions that are easily recognized…
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Ozone Therapy, Your Holy Grail of Health

Ozone therapy is an alternative treatment that uses oxygen or ozone tri atom compounds with the aim of increasing oxygen levels in the body. This therapy has been used for more than a century and its use has been proven to be relatively safe, consistent results and minimal side effects. The presence of ozone in…
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Hemorrhoids Almost Killed Me

Never crossed in the slightest thought of Ateng’s mind, a patient from Mr.Chai’s Traditional Healer that the diagnosis of hemorrhoids he suffered turned out to be the beginning of stage 3 colon cancer. “It’s like a nightmare in broad daylight,” said Ateng.

Back Pain, Is it Seriously Dangerous?

Almost everyone will experience a kind of back pain in his or her lifetime. Back pain is a major cause of missed work. Low back pain usually resolves on its own and is commonly the result of a strain injury. The low back is the area behind the belly from the rib cage to the…
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Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai