Can Ozone Therapy Help Cure Covid-19?

* This article was written in accordance with the Scientific Journal and is protected by Copyright
Until now, we are still thinking of solutions to avoid COVID-19. The latest news is now that vaccines for the Corona virus have begun to be produced, even though they have to go through quite long trials.
However, what about someone who is already infected?
Because of the over-occupied health facilities at the moment, it is not uncommon for sufferers of the virus to be forced to carry out isolation independently at home and not get adequate care. A pre-eliminary study conducted by He et al., (2020) originating from Wuhan proved that ozone therapy can help speed-healing for sufferers. The researchers conducted trials on COVID-19 virus sufferers who volunteered to test the effectiveness of ozone therapy for this virus.
A 53-year-old man was admitted to the Wuhan University Renmin Hospital on February 20, 2020 due to a slight fever and dyspnea (shortness of breath) for 7 days, accompanied by headaches, colds, fatigue and loss of appetite. Upon admission to the hospital, he showed clear awareness with a body temperature of 37.5 ℃. CT scan of the chest reveals several small shadows in the form of plaque, interstitial linear changes and consolidation in both lungs. He confirmed COVID-19 on 21 February 2020. Limfopeni (low levels of white blood cells) and an increase in CRP (C-Reactive Protein). A high CRP level in the blood is a marker of inflammation. This can be caused by a variety of conditions, from infection to cancer. IL-6 or interleukin which is a component of antibodies produced by white blood cells and mild hypoxemia (low levels of oxygen in the blood) are recorded in laboratory tests.
After admission, patients were given antiviral therapy, antibiotics, immunoglobulins, omeprazole, supplemental oxygen 3L / min. He was treated with Ozone-MAH (Major Auto Haemotherapy) on February 25, 2020, once a day for 7 consecutive days. With the treatment of MAH, the symptoms quickly disappear. The patient recovered and was discharged on March 14, 2020, after two consecutive negative PCR tests on nasopharyngeal swabs and fulfilling other cured criteria. No side effects associated with MAH were reported.
An encouraging result was also reported from the second volunteer, a 66-year-old male. He had a fever accompanied by coughing and sore throat, with the highest body temperature of 39.2 ℃. This man has a history of chronic respiratory disease. A CT scan of the chest on January 23, 2020 shows symptoms that look like a pneumonia virus infection. The patient was treated at a public health center with a status of “suspected COVID-19” and confirmed COVID-19 on January 25, 2020. However, antiviral and antibiotic therapy did not improve his condition, coughing, hemoptysis or coughing up of blood or blood-stained mucus from the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or lungs. In other words, it is the airway bleeding. Dyspnea also occurred. After being referred on February 5, 2020, he was given antiviral therapy, antibiotics, immunoglobulins, additional oxygen 3L / minute. Patients treated with Ozone-MAH since 15 February 2020, once a day for 7 consecutive days. After MAH treatment, he recovered quickly with various indicators in laboratory tests showing normal numbers. Compared to the initial laboratory results, a follow-up CT scan showed that his lung function had begun to improve. After fulfilling the discharge criteria according to hospital standards, the patient left the hospital on February 22, 2020. No adverse events related to MAH occurred.
Overall, Hu and his colleagues stated that ozone therapy can be a useful in recovering from COVID-19 infection, however, further clinical studies are needed to determine effectiveness, optimal ozone dose and the appropriate duration of treatment.
These results are certainly a comforting finding for all of us, where we can begin to apply ozone therapy in everyday life. Not only does it enhance immunity, ozone therapy also has the potential to become a reliable cure in dealing with COVID-19 virus infections. But keep in mind that prevention is always better than cure. Keep doing the health protocol by wearing a mask, washing your hands regularly and avoid crowding.
Ke Hu, MD., Zhishui, Zheng, Minglin, Dong. A preliminary evaluation on the efficacy of ozone therapy in the treatment of COVID-19.2020. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Zhangzhidong Road No. 99, Wuhan 430060.