Breakthrough to Help Breast Cancer

Speaking of breast cancer, if the diagnosis states that you have breast cancer, then you and your doctor will need to discuss how you will plan treatment for breast cancer, to reduce the chance of the cancer coming back in the breast, and to reduce the chance of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body.
WHO (2013) specifically states that around 508,000 women died of breast cancer in 2011. In Indonesia, especially at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta, breast cancer sufferers also continued to increase, from 221 cases in 2003 to 657 cases in 2008 (Rumah Dharmais Cancer Pain, 2014). This condition is exacerbated because as many as 60-70% of patients who come to the hospital are already in an advanced stage.
The American Joint Committee on Cancer created a staging system at which the Stages are categorized as T, N, and M.
- T indicates the degree of spread of the tumor in the breast
- N indicates the number of tumors that have spread in the lymph nodes
- M indicates the spread of the tumor to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs
Breast cancer often generally occurs in the postmenopausal group of women, but currently it is mostly found at a young age, such as less than 25 years (Ministry of Health, 2015). Being aware of the conditions and changes in the breast itself can be a way of knowing the signs or symptoms of breast cancer.
The earlier you become aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, the greater your healing potential will be. Launching from the official page of the American Cancer Society, the main characteristic of breast cancer in its early stages is a lump in the organ. Lumps in breast cancer can be round, soft, and painful masses when pressed. Currently, breast cancer treatment can be through medical procedures, namely in the form of therapy and surgery or through alternative medicine.
Nearly 70% of breast cancer patients experience chemotherapy withdrawal and many do not undergo pre-surgical chemotherapy after being diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and prefer alternative treatments (Aprianti, 2012). This is because the side effects of chemotherapy are considered to have a negative impact on the patient’s health, namely nausea, vomiting, dehydration and hair loss. Furthermore, a survey conducted by Hikmanti and Ardian (2014) tells that the motivation of patients in using complementary or alternative therapies is to help the body in the healing process (75%), increase the immune system (56%), and feel that they are doing something in the therapy (56 %).
In addition, as many as 88% of respondents stated that they used complementary or alternative therapies by doing medical therapy at the same time.
Breast Cancer Treatment without Surgeries
Tian Xian Liquid is a natural herbal to help cancer patients consisting of 14 best ingredients from the Changbai Mountains. This active volcanic mountain range is on the border between North Korea and China. The Changbai Mountains, which have the highest mountain peaks in the Northeastern region of China and the Korean peninsula are “a treasure trove of herbs.”
All types of cancer cells studied (lymphoma, epithelial bone cancer, breast cancer, etc.) showed apoptotic activity (sign + TUNEL Positive) after 1% (v / v) TXL was administered. A positive TUNEL Assay analysis showed how much the percentage of cancer cells studied showed apoptotic activity. Apoptosis is the programmed cell death for cancer cells.
Read how TXL triggers cancer cell apoptosis
TXL clinical research was also carried out by the National Taiwan University Hospital research team on 39 patients with the latest stage breast cancer. Compared with the placebon group (the control group that was not given any treatment), the TXL group experienced significant improvement in quality of life and CD3, CD4 / CD8, CD19, CD16 + 56 positive cells (P <0.05). In conclusion: TXL is a safe adjuvant treatment for cancer patients.
Read the TXL scientific research journal on treatment of breast cancer patients
TXL professional team
In conclusion, TXL can be an alternative for those of you who are reluctant to do medical therapy because of the side effects and the price is so expensive. By using TXL, you can save up to 1/3 of the cost used to treat cancer.
The key to recovery from any disease is early detection, accompanied by the courage to go under healthcare. Restoring the health that already has been lost, requires a lot sacrifice, including money, so often the motto “Prevention is better than cure” is always echoed everytime, everywhere. Exercise, maintaining a diet, sleeping regularly, stress management are all things you need to do to achieve prime health. It is quite difficult to get used to a healthy lifestyle, but believe yourself, your efforts to maintain your health as early as possible will not go in vain.
If you need a further informations or consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us here.