Are You Suitable For Ozone Therapy?

Best Ozone Therapy in Bali

Are You Suitable For Ozone Therapy?

With the development of technology, the world of medicine is also developing as a form of adaptation to meet human needs to be able to live healthy and full of vitality. Therefore various types of therapy continue to be developed, one of which is Ozone therapy. Ozone gas therapy is one thing that has caught the public’s attention lately. This is because the effectiveness of this form of therapy has been proven to overcome a variety of serious illnesses, ranging from cancer, AIDS to multiple sclerosis.

The effectiveness of ozone therapy has actually been known from the 1950s. Even if we look at it for much longer, since the 1800s, doctors in Europe, precisely in Germany, have begun to find records that the administration of certain amounts of ozone gas can stimulate the health of patients, especially for those suffering from chronic health problems. The findings were applied to this day, making integrative therapy with ozone gas many positive benefits for human health.

Doctors can apply this ozone therapy to overcome various health problems for patients as monotherapy, or also combined with other therapeutic methods. It aims as a form of treatment efficiency and in order to reduce the possibility of side effects after undergoing ozone therapy. What are the side effects of this ozone therapy?

Ozone has strong oxidizing properties. In addition, people generally recognize ozone gas as part of the earth’s protector from UV rays. In high concentrations ozone can be toxic to some living organisms. Therefore, only a doctor with special competence is allowed to be able to directly handle patients who want to undergo ozone therapy. In the right dosage, ozone will act as a natural antioxidant for the body. Ozone therapy can be applied to anyone of all ages, but patients with low hemoglobin levels are encouraged to prepare themselves before taking therapy by resting and eating nutritious food. This needs to be done so that the oxygen levels supplied by ozone therapy can be received to the maximum level by the blood.

By undergoing ozone therapy on a regular basis, there are many benefits to be gained by you. The most important example is the increase in body immunity and vitality to provide therapeutic benefits for patients with complaints such as; lower back pain, stomach pain, tumors, cancer, dental treatment or acute respiratory disease or SARS.

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Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai