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A Glimpse of Joy During Pandemic

There is a proverb that says “This world is full of million microorganisms.” Our bodies also contain microorganisms, either good microorganisms or bad microorganisms. Although the bad microorganisms exist on our bodies, we will not get sick so easily. Thanks to our immune system, they fight mercilessly against any pathogen. Pathogen is a term that used for any biological agent who cause illness to their host.

The pathogens deliberately attack our bodies which triggers our immune system to produce antibodies. These antibodies are the frontliner in the war between pathogens and our immune system. To produce a well-formed antibodies, we need to maintain our healthy lifestyle, such as nutritious foods, regular exercise or multivitamins.

The Owner’s Biography

Sufendi Tjuatja also known as Mr.Chai has an opinion that maintaining healthy lifestyle for your body and mind, will lead you to gain longevity. Unfortunately, people is not aware of this and neglected their health, resulting in accumulative health problems which might lethal to them. Mr.Chai’s awareness about human’s health made him an epiphany. He wants to help people, he wants to take care of their health.

Mr. Chai and one of his patients

His spirit encouraged himself to build health facilities. Bali Husada Cipta Canthi Clinic or BHCC Clinic is his first step to fulfill his dreams. Insurance and Social Security of Indonesian’s Government also known as Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS)  has agreed to help Mr.Chai’s in providing decent health care services for renal failure patients. On the other side, Mr.Chai also optimized an integrative treatments, because he believes that natural ingredients have great potential to be a holy-grail cure. This integrative treatments took a place at Pulau Nusa Penida 33, Denpasar, Bali.

Application of Ozone Therapy in His Daily Life

Mr.Chai shared a story, in his journey of taking care human’s health, he found an excellent formula between modern technology and herbal medicines that Indonesian Food and Drug Association (FDA) has approved. The modern technology in example, ozone therapy had successfully cured cardiovascular, diabetes or cancer*. Ozone therapy will cleanse the body thoroughly, including fat plaque, toxins, heavy metals and additives. Ozone also gives oxygens to your blood and kills pathogens through oxidation process which is completely safe. If ozone could kill pathogens, then will it be effective against Covid-19 that caused pandemic right now ?

“It is not impossible.” Mr.Chai answered without hesitation. He said how ozone could be strong oxidation agent to fight the virus. Covid-19 is RNA Virus that has similar characteristics with SARS Virus. Ozone has been proved effective against SARS Virus. More than 17 scientific researchs has claimed this in their results. Ozone will penetrate through virus’ protein membrane and it will interfere RNA syntesis which is virus’ source of life.

Ozone’s application as desinfectant has been done by Mr.Chai in his entire clinics. He commits to take care of his patients’ safety and wellness. Although it takes high cost, Mr.Chai does not budge at all. He keeps his commitment. Mr.Chai breaks a summary which is very interesting to learn. Ozone’s application is a lifetime investment to human’s health and the value of cost is nothing compared to benefits that will be achieved. Mr.Chai’s principle is supporting Mahatma Gandhi’s quotesIt is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

At the end of interview, Mr.Chai told us “Always be happy.” When we asked why, he showed his signature smile “Happiness is the best antibody that we could have, therefore, always be happy.”

*Result may vary , based on research journal

Ozone Therapy by Mr.Chai