Ozone Therapy for Stroke Patients : Is It Effective Or Just Myths?

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Ozone Therapy for Stroke Patients : Is It Effective Or Just Myths?

ozone therapy for stroke patients

Before we jump to ozone therapy for stroke’s analysis, let’s get to know about stroke first. Stroke is a collection of symptoms due to loss of brain function, either partially or completely, caused by disorders of the blood vessels of the brain.

Types of Stroke

There are two types, the first one namely ischemic stroke, where blood flow to the brain is disrupted by atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) caused by hypertension, diabetes mellitus and can also be due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood. In a hemorrhagic version, a blood vessel bursts, disrupting blood flow to the brain. Blood that comes out of broken blood vessels will seep into brain tissue and damage it. Most cases occur suddenly, quick and cause brain damage within minutes.

Causes of Stroke

As we have known before, there are two kinds of stroke, Based on the type, the causes of stroke also vary.

Ischemic stroke

There are three types of conditions that can cause this, such as:

Plaque buildup

The buildup of plaque on the walls of arteries turns out not only to cause heart attacks, but other conditions such as atherosclerosis. This buildup of plaque causes the arteries to narrow, thereby blocking blood flow to tissues or organs in the body. This accumulation of plaque can also occur in the arteries in the brain and neck. If there is a blockage due to plaque that builds up in the arteries both in the brain and in the neck, the patient will suffer this.

Blood clots occur

In addition to clogging, plaque contained in the arteries can also burst. Blood cells around the ruptured plaque will stick together and form blood clots. Clotted blood can also clog arteries. Although blood clots occur in other parts of the body, they can travel to the brain. This condition is also known as an embolic stroke. This condition can be caused by problems with blood disorders such as atrial fibrillation and sickle cell disease which trigger blood clots.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Here are some conditions that can cause this:


High blood pressure or hypertension is the most common cause. Hypertension can occur due to abnormalities or problems with the kidneys, an unhealthy lifestyle, or the consumption of certain drugs.


An aneurysm is an inflammation or swelling of the wall of an artery located inside the brain. This condition is caused by the artery walls thinning and becoming weak, so inflammation occurs. Aneurysms can be present at birth (congenital) or develop over time, especially if you have a history of hypertension.

Arterial malformation (AVM)

Arterial malformation or AVM is a condition where there is an abnormality in the blood vessels. Actually this disorder can occur in any part of the body, including the brain. AVM is usually found at birth. If the AVM is located in the brain, this condition is at risk of causing bleeding.

Anticoagulant (blood thinning) medication

Some people who take blood-thinning drugs to reduce the risk of blood clots actually have the potential for bleeding in the brain.

Stroke Symptoms

The symptoms tend to occur suddenly and only always attack one side of the body. It gets worse over a period of 24 to 72 hours. The most common symptoms are:

  • Sudden headache.
  • Loss of balance, problems with walking.
  • Fatigue.
  • Loss of consciousness or coma.
  • Vertigo and dizziness.
  • Blurred and blackened vision.
  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body in the face, hands, feet.
  • Problems with speech and hearing.

You need to be vigilant if you often experience the above symptoms. You should check again whether your blood pressure is normal and also the cholesterol level in your blood.

Stroke Treatment

Treatment depends on the type of stroke you have, including which part of the brain is affected and the cause. Usually, it will be treated with medications, especially antiplatelet drugs, anticoagulant medications, cholesterol medications, or antihypertensive medications.

In some cases, a procedure may be needed to remove the blood clot. Not infrequently, stroke patients undergo surgery to treat brain swelling and reduce the risk of further bleeding. Not infrequently, you need therapy so that your cognitive function gradually improves. One of the recommendations to restore cognitive function after a stroke is to do EECP therapy, this therapy helps the heart to pump blood flow more optimally, including to areas previously affected by stroke.

You can significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke by eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and reducing alcohol consumption and not smoking. But often, in some cases due to circumstances and genetics, just living a healthy life is not enough.

Ozone Therapy for Stroke : An Alternative Without Surgery

In several case studies, ozone therapy for stroke patients has shown encouraging results. Research by Wasser in 2013 using the MAH method, reported that with ozone therapy, stroke-affected tissues get an adequate supply of oxygenated red blood cells. With an adequate blood supply, it is possible that improvement will occur. The same thing was also reported by a study conducted by Clavon et al., in 2004.

You can do ozone therapy in Bali with comfortable facilities with EBOO technology which is one of the most advanced methods of ozone therapy. Contact us for a consultation and determine the best treatment for you.

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